If your drive to your destination on Tuesday takes you longer than usual, blame the hundreds of baraatis who will be dancing on the city streets that day. And if pundits' predictions are to be believed, there will be some 1,000 or more couples who will tie the knot on April 24, the auspecious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya...
Touted to be the last auspecious date for weddings this season, wedding venues are booked chock-a block for this day in city. Although April 25, Wedensday, is also a good day for weddings, kanyadaan is not conducted on a Budhvar (Wednsday) as per Gujarati tradition.
Hence, Tuesday walks away with the full honours of scripting hundreds of 'live happily ever after' stories.
Touted to be the last auspecious date for weddings this season, wedding venues are booked chock-a block for this day in city. Although April 25, Wedensday, is also a good day for weddings, kanyadaan is not conducted on a Budhvar (Wednsday) as per Gujarati tradition.
Hence, Tuesday walks away with the full honours of scripting hundreds of 'live happily ever after' stories.